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15th Sep 2015

This Twitter bet by Gerard Pique could have cost him a staggering €7m

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Ben Kenyon

We’ve all made daft bets we come to regret – nowadays they all seem to be on Twitter.

Take the West Ham fan who now has the Liverpool scoreline tattooed on his arse as a perfect example.

The app should come with a ‘do you really want to tweet this’ warning at the very least, if not a full scale breathalyser to stop people tweeting silly bets.

But it’s not just fans that make outlandish wagers on Twitter – footballers are at it too.

Gerard Pique put a quite-spectacular effort up the other day after seeing the strange scoreline coincidence in Serie A over the weekend, according to the Mirror.

With four games finishing 2-2, the Barcelona star posted that if the day’s final two games – Lazio vs Udinese and Inter vs AC Milan – finished with the same score, he would buy everyone who retweeted him a Barca shirt.

When 80,000 people retweeted him, he must have been s**ting his pants. Doing some rough maths, a shirt costs €90 – so he was staring down the barrel of a €7.2m bill.

Luckily for him, fate wasn’t on the side of the fans and Lazio saw off Udinese 2-0 and Inter beat AC Milan 1-0.