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20th Jul 2021

Norwegian handball team fined for refusing to wear bikini bottoms

Kieran Galpin

They have now been fined for their defiance

The Norwegian handball team have said they will not wear bikini bottoms during the Olympic games. Players chose to swap the usual uniform for shorts at a recent Handball Championship in Varna, Bulgaria, on Sunday.


“Of course, we would pay any fine. We are all in the same boat,” said Norwegian Handball Federation president Kare Geir Lio.

“The most important thing is to have equipment that athletes are comfortable with.”

The Independent has now confirmed that The European Handball Federation (EHF), the sport’s governing body, confirmed a €1,500 (£1,295) fine (€150 (£129.50) per player) for “improper clothing”.

This comes after the news yesterday that double Paralympic world champion, Olivia Breen, was left ‘speechless and outraged’ after being told that her briefs were both ‘too short and inappropriate’.

She told the Guardian:

“I am always grateful for the incredible volunteers who officiate at athletics events. They do an amazing job and make it possible for us to compete. However, tonight I feel disappointed because just as I finished my long jump competition, one of the female officials felt it necessary to inform me that my sprint briefs were too short and inappropriate. I was left speechless.

“I have been wearing the same sprint style briefs for many years and they are specifically designed for competing in. I will hopefully be wearing them in Tokyo. It made me question whether a male competitor would be similarly criticised.”

Breen, 24, won a gold medal in 2015 and again in 2017 as well as a bronze medal at the London 2012 Paralympics. She has said she intends to make a formal complaint to UK athletics, saying she was ‘outraged’ at the officials approach during the competition.