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30th Oct 2015

USA Soccer Guy’s pre-game preview for Chelsea Franchise Club vs Liver Pool

Soccer Guy

There was a time when Juan Mourinho knew how to coach soccer pretty good.

Known as the Special Juan, his guys would always find a way to go get the win.

But like some real old guy that used to be young but is now just old, Coach Mourinho just can’t work his magic no more.

Last weekend, Chelsea Franchise Club took a ride to Uptown Park where the Westside Hammers put another nail in the Blue Uniform’s hopes of winning their EPL League Cup back.


Losing 2 to 1 thanks to an Angry Carol goalshot, the defeat meant that they lost. Matt Itch also got himself a major felony card and Coach Mourinho got in a whole bunch of trouble for saying some real mean stuff to the referee.

A few days later and they were on the road again to Stoked City. After knotting things up at ones with a buzzer-beating equalization strike, Mourinho’s guys lost out on a deathstrike showdown.

Feeling sadder than some guy that had to go get his dog euthanized after an unexpected stomach problem caused it a whole bunch of pain and there was simply no other option but to put end to the suffering of his loyal friend, Mourinho felt real sad.


Some guys have speculized that another defeat will see Roman Ibrahimovic fire his ass and with Liver Pool set to arrive at Stanford Bridge, the EPL League could be saying goodbye to the Portugalese guy before next Monday.

Liver Pool kinda suck too, but with Coach Klopp coaching the soccer, Chelsea Franchise Club could be in for a Halloween scare.

The home franchise will be feeling pretty blue if Anthony Costa can’t make it back in time. The Brazilian Spanish guy got hurt last week and may not be able to make it back in time to soccer it our with the Liver Ducks.


Matt Itch will be back after his major felony card but deefense guy Branislav Abramovich is not gonna play.

The Liver Pool medics have been working overtime too, with so many hurt players that they’ve used more bandages than some soccer franchise made up of a bunch of Halloween mummies.

Darren Benteke, Daniel Stowage and Yolo Toure are all gonna miss the game.

With the pressure piling up real high on their soccer coach, many believe the Chelsea Franchise Club players will be aiming to win this soccer match.

Will Coach Mourinho avoid a Halloween horror show? We’re about to find out when the EPL clocks strike soccer o’clock on Saturday.