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04th Jul 2016

Patrice Evra reveals what he says to autograph-hunters at Euro 2016

Walking tall

Patrick McCarry

Patrice Evra will hope that he and his French teammates can hang around until next weekend to sign even more autographs.

Most of us will remember just how special it felt to get an autograph off one of our favourite players.

The wait outside the football ground, training facilities or chance meeting made all the more memorable by a scribbled name on a piece of paper, or jersey.

Many footballers are wrapped up in their own thoughts in and around a big match. Around Euro 2016 and some of the biggest games of their lives, some would be forgiven for walking straight to the changing rooms or team bus.

Not Patrice Evra.

The French captain has been lauded for the amount of time he has given back to supporters after training sessions and games. As the Juventus defender explains, the thought process behind this is simple:

“Football is never easy. You could have the technique of Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi but the most important thing is that you believe what you can achieve. I always give young people that message.

“I said that to a fan yesterday. I was signing a jersey and he said, ‘You are my favourite player’.

“I told him, ‘I hope one day I will come [to a game] with my son and you will sign an autograph for him’. The kids, they are the future so we need to show them a good example and make sure that, maybe, they can achieve their dream.”

What a gent.