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22nd Nov 2016

If this wasn’t the worst question Brendan Rodgers has ever been asked, we’d be worried

So awful it's actually quite impressive

Ben Kiely

“There is no such thing as a stupid question,” is one of the great lies in life.

Most of you probably came into contact with this phrase when you were in primary school. The teacher may have announced this seemingly harmless little white lie as a way to encourage participation and allow the learning process to take place. It’s a nice sentiment and it almost definitely works, but the problem is that while children tend to grow up into fully-grown adults, often minds don’t develop at the same rate.

Most people will eventually come to the realisation that not all questions are created equally. Some are good, some are mediocre and others are categorically stupid. At a press conference at Celtic Park this week, Hoops boss Brendan Rodgers experienced the latter when a travelling journalist asked him,

“What do you think that it… it would be… that it would be easier to believe… exists… eh, the Lake (sic) Ness monster or Lionel Messi player?”

You could see all the hope drain from Rodgers’ eyes with each poorly delivered word. Fortunately, he didn’t give in to the siren’s call of the light at the end of the tunnel and he snapped back to reality just in time to put the journo in his place… with a smile, of course.

“That’s the worst question I’ve probably been asked. I don’t really know so much about the Loch Ness monster, but I know Lionel Messi is a brilliant player.”

Catch up with the latest episode of Football Friday Live: