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09th Nov 2015

Wayne Rooney just slapped WWE star Wade Barrett at Monday Night Raw (Video)

He's got quite a hit on him!

Ben Kenyon

Never let it be said that Wayne Rooney can’t hit the target.

He might have been profligate in front of goal for Manchester United this season, but Rooney didn’t miss at WWE Monday Night Raw.

The 30-year-old England striker was bang on target at ringside when he planted a slap right across the face of wrestler Wade Barrett.

Rooney, who has fancied himself as a bit of a boxer, had a bit of ‘Twitter beef’ with the famous Lancastrian wrestler, who is a Preston North End fan.

But Rooney laid one on the former bare-knuckle boxer during the WWE event in Manchester.

The internet loved it. Well, kind of…


Wayne Rooney,WWE