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26th Nov 2015

WWE star threatens Roy Keane after Wayne Rooney criticism

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If Roy Keane ever decided to get into wrestling of any kind, then he could call upon any number of deadly finishing moves.

He could have ‘The Death Stare’ or the ‘Bulging Vein’ or the fans favourite of the ‘Knee Reducer’.

But his comments following Manchester United’s 0-0 draw with PSV Eindhoven leave us in little doubt that the club’s former captain is not a fan of WWE wrestling.

Keane blasted Wayne Rooney for attending  a wrestling event in Manchester earlier this month, where the current United skipper was recorded slapping wrestler Wade Barrett in the face.

Keane said on ITV’s coverage that he didn’t understand why Rooney would be getting involved in something so silly:

“I always question certain players what are they doing off the field? I saw Wayne last week slapping a wrestler and I’m thinking ‘why is he getting involved in all that nonsense?'”

The comments went down a storm with some United fans who praised Keane for talking what they felt was a lot of sense.

Alerted to Keane’s comments on Twitter, the man who was on the wrong end of Rooney’s slap has responded to Keane with the following tweet:
