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03rd Sep 2015

Young driver wrecks iPhone because he didn’t know what a cassette tape was (Picture)

We bet he wishes he could rewind time...

Nooruddean Choudry

There are no excuses for this level of stupidity.

We appreciate that technology changes and old formats become obsolete, but really, how can you live your life to driving age and not know what a cassette tape is?

One p**sed off young motorist was not happy when he arrived at a car dealership near Niagara Falls, complaining that the iPhone dock in his second-hand vehicle wasn’t working.

Not only that but it had damaged the screen on his beloved smartphone.

What the confused car owner hadn’t realised was that the ‘iPhone dock’ in question was nothing of the sort – it was a cassette player.

And they let these people on the roads…

So a young driver stops in with an older car complaining that the iPhone dock in his vehicle isn’t working and its…

Posted by Mike Smith Buick GMC on Tuesday, 25 August 2015