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23rd Aug 2015

Sparkling San Pellegrino’s guys own Evertown at Goodison Candy Shack

Soccer Guy

Like a tidal wave of soccer awesomeness, Man City Franchise Club continue to go get everyone real wet.

Fresh from kicking Coach Mourinho’s ass last time out, the light-blue uniformed franchise arrived in Mercyside knowing that if they scored more than Evertown, they would win some more.

Coach Ricky Martinez’s franchise would be no easy game of soccer. With players like Shameless Coleman and Lou Kaku on their roster, the Candies can play soccer so sweet it could give any soccer Coach toothache.

And in the first quarter, the Candy Guys went close to making the first stain on the score sheets. With a felony kick awarded on the danger box zone perimeter, Lou Kaku left cleat kicked the soccer ball real nice. Like some dumbass hiker that got lost in the woods, the goaltender headed the wrong direction. Evertown fans started to clap each other high fives as the soccer ball seemed destined to find the soccer goal interior… too bad for the home franchise, it Rick O’Shead off the pipes.

Everton v Manchester City - Premier League

In the second quarter, things sucked real bad for Evertown. Despite trying real hard, their deefense could not hold out as Collaroff inserted past MVP of the game, Tim Howard, from a cute angle.

The Man City Franchise Club fans were real happy, and sung a whole bunch of soccer songs about how awesome they were and how much Man Unity were real bad.

And as the overtime verdict board was erected, they added another goalshot. Standing around like a bunch of dummies, the Evertown deefense stood around and watched as the soccer ball got played inside the danger box zone and Nasree kicked it into the SGI.

The completion whistle was blown, with Manchester City Franchise Club escaping Goodison Candy Shack with the sweetest of soccer victories.

Coach San Pellegrino’s guys now have won three soccer games this season and will head into their next soccer game trying to win that one, too. And if you know you’re soccer math, you’ll realize that if this carries on, it’ll be EPL World Championship rings on the fingers off the light blue guys’ hands at the end of the season.



