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10th Aug 2015

Eric Cantona swims the English channel in the stylish way only King Cantona can (Video)


Ben Kenyon

Eric Cantona can walk on water. We know because we saw him do it at Old Trafford during those Premier League glory days.

But walking on water is too easy for King Cantona. So the legendary 90s striker decided to swim through it. Well, sort of.

In homage to the time he crossed The Channel to educate the English game in the way only a bearded French master can, he has done it again. This time wearing a pair of goggles and a wetsuit.

Canton 2

The reason? Because his followers told him to – so Eric duly obliged (well actually it’s because he said if 10,000 people agreed that ‘Kronenbourg was the most supreme tasting beer in the world’ , then he’d do the swim.)

With his iconic collar up, he plunges into the sea for the arduous swim on the beer advert. But, Cantona being Cantona, he finishes the challenge in style…