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26th Apr 2022

Eurostar will soon offer dozens of extra destinations across Europe

Danny Jones

Two of Europe’s biggest rail operators are joining forces

Dozens of new Eurostar destinations are set to be confirmed in the coming months following the European train service’s merger with fellow rail operator, Thalys.

With a plethora of stations scattered across France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, respectively, the two companies announced they will be forming into one entity on March 29, meaning there will no be a whole host of new cities and connections for those travelling across Europe to enjoy.

While the Eurostar has always been a vital service in bridging the Channel, Thalys’ network links a vast number of stations across mainland Europe. New locations we can expect to be made part of the all-in-one service include Antwerp Central, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Valence and numerous airports just to name a few.

Moreover, the Eurostar-Thalys merger means passengers can also expect more streamlined scheduling, frequency of service, ticketing options and loyalty programmes thanks to their respective offerings now being gathered into one overall package.

Eurostar CEO, Mike Cooper, promised that in addition to expanding the high-speed network, the newly merged company will continue “providing you with the best possible service” as well as focusing on increased connectivity underlined by “a fleet operating on renewable energy” – dubbing the move Project Green Speed.

The merger was initially proposed to take place in 2019, according to Time Out but plans were ultimately pushed back by travel restrictions and subsequently reduced ticket sales during the pandemic.

Now though, the industry is back on the mend and thanks to the Eurostar-Thalys merger, Brits can soon enjoy more comprehensive continental rail travel than ever before.

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