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03rd Jan 2017

There’s only one Premier League team dirtier than Manchester United this season

It turns out the Red Devils are no angels

Rob Burnett

It’s barely a month since Jose Mourinho was moaning about being Manchester United being the “unluckiest” team in the league when it comes to refereeing decisions – but it turns out the Red Devils are no angels themselves this season.

In fact, so naughty and foul-happy are the boys in Red, that only one team in the whole Premier League are higher up on the naughty list than they are.

Yes, Mourinho’s happy band of good, honest players just trying to get on with a smile and a song have conceded 260 fouls so far this season.

Only nasty old Watford have more black marks next to their name, at 273 (and presumably about half of those were committed on New Year’s Day when they forlornly tried anything to stop Tottenham ripping through them at will like a greedy uncle through the Quality Streets on Boxing Day).

Meanwhile, it seems we have doing Stoke a grave disservice (even if it’s only in our own heads), after it was revealed they are the top flight side that has committed the fewest fouls this season.

It’s a far cry from the peak days of Tony Pulis at the Britannia when rival managers like Arsene Wenger bemoaned the hacking hordes of the Potteries scything down player after player as they ground out result after result to maintain their Premier League status.

So what of Pulis’s new club West Brom? There are only eighth in the foul table so clearly big Tone still has some work to do there…