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23rd Jan 2017

Everyone noticed the same thing about Homeland last night

It was too soon for some people.

Laura Holland

Did you spot it?

Homeland returned for its sixth season last night. It premiered the first of twelve episodes on Channel 4.

Carrie is back in America working to protect the rights of Muslim-Americans, while Saul is working with the CIA. I won’t give any spoilers here but there was one key part of the show that has got people talking.

The show opened with the new female President-elect, Elizabeth Keane, chatting to Saul and Dar Adal. Nothing too unusual, right? Well, not exactly.

Viewers think the storyline of a female President is very coincidental after Hillary almost made it to the White House. They are convinced that the writers thought Hillary had it in the bag so created the script to mirror real life events.

However, as we all know, she did not win and so the storyline just adds salt to the wounds of Hillary fans.