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14th Aug 2015

Former Chelsea doctor criticises Eva Carneiro for taking to social media…


Former Chelsea first-team doctor Ralph Rogers has slated Eva Carneiro for posting a Facebook message thanking fans for their support.

Carneiro wrote the post following Jose Mourinho’s criticism of her conduct during the 2-2 draw with Swansea…


But speaking on BBC Radio 5 live, Rogers said: “You are support staff. You’re not one of the stars. There’s almost a slap in the face to the manager.

“Why would she go to social media? It’s something we, as a profession, ethically should not be doing.”

Carneiro has since lost her place on the Chelsea bench, and the full video of Mourinho losing his temper does not look good for the Blues.

“There has to be a very good relationship between the medical staff, or the physician, and the manager,” said Rogers.

“The manager has to be able to trust the medical judgement he’s receiving and when that trust is broken, where do you go? It’s going to be difficult.”