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11th Feb 2017

Facebook is adding a very handy new feature

Soon Facebook will be the only app you need

Megan Roantree

This will save us some time.

Facebook is on track to becoming the only app you need on your phone. You can chat to people on it, you can read your news on it and you can find just about any viral video on your timeline without even trying.

Now, Facebook is trying to make the weather app obsolete too by adding their own to the site.

Facebook Weather Greetings will reportedly be available on everyone’s profile in the coming months.

We occasionally already get a brief summary of the weather at the top of our timeline at the moment. Last April the company began trialling Weather Greetings on some people’s profiles but now it’s set to become a permanent feature.

Of course, we already have a weather app on iPhone and some Android phones as it is but the laziness in us will welcome the fact that we don’t have to stray from Facebook to find out what they day will be like.

