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19th Feb 2017

This Trump supporter vs Dido remix is why the internet exists

Rory Cashin

As if the Secret Service didn’t have enough to worry about…

Not only are they protecting the President – and not just any President, but this particular President – and now he goes and starts inviting random dudes up on to the stage with him? It must be absolutely exhausting.

Trump was rallying for the 2020 election (no, that isn’t a mistake, he’s ALREADY started his campaign for the next election), when he invited super-fan Gene Huber to join him at the podium, who claimed he’d been there since 4am, despite the rally not taking place until 5pm.

Afterwards, Huber spoke to the media with nothing but love in his heart for President Trump, and it didn’t take long for our very own @BeardedGenius to find the perfect soundtrack for his gushing.

Remember Eminem’s hit single Stan, featuring Dido, about a super-fan who finds it difficult to separate fact from fiction? Well…