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21st Feb 2017

Loads of people saw the same thing in Megan McKenna’s photo

But they got it all wrong.

Laura Holland

This is so silly it’s laughable.

Reality star Megan McKenna has been forced to clarify whether or not she has six toes on each of her feet. That’s right, an extra toe per foot.

People began over-analysing photos Megan had uploaded to Instagram claiming that she has an extra digit on her feet. It all started with one photograph of Megan sitting on a couch.

They also think they can see an extra toe in this photo.

Now, with the way her feet are positioned it does look like something strange is going on, but it’s more of an optical illusion than an extra toe.

People started to leave hurtful and mean messages alongside the first photo which prompted Megan to delete it and hit back on the social media platform.

In a message she wrote:

“Just to clarify to you stupid idiots. I have 5 toes on each foot. It’s actually so sad that people troll me so much.

“And make me feel the need to delete photos and get upset over stuff.

“When an angle can look weird and make it look different.

“You can all clearly see that my feet are normal. So f**k you to the pr*cks who have been bullying me online and finding my number through people and getting hate mail over something so f*****g small and childish.”

She has since deleted that post but left a follow-up video message where she showed off her feet in person and slammed anyone for sending her mean comments.