Perfect for the long weekend.
You’ve probably heard whispers of it online. Seen an ad pop-up at the end of another show you’re watching, or seen a tweet with some variation of a crying emoji.
13 Reasons Why was released on Netflix a couple of weeks ago.
Other Netflix original series have caused a stir in the past, with the constant additions of Marvel characters well publicised in advance of their unveiling, but 13 Reasons Why will have flown a little under the radar for some viewers
The story of Hannah Baker and her life in high school ultimately ends in her dying by suicide. This isn’t a spoiler for the series, it’s all revealed in the opening episode and the story of why she decided to end her life is told over 13 episodes in flashback.
I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was curious to see how the subject of teen suicide would be handled in the series. It’s such a sensitive and heartbreaking topic after all.
You will find yourself getting drawn in by the characters. One of my friends sent me a Snapchat following an episode with tears in her eyes (it was 100% my friend and definitely not me). It’s that kind of series.
The first couple of episodes are difficult to gauge, but it lures you in soon after and will have you cheering and praying for some characters in particular (watch it and you’ll know who I’m talking about).
The show is only a recent addition to the Netflix library but it has already earned a legion of fans.
13 reasons why is so amazing and done so incredibly well I'm speechless. I literally learned valuable life lessons from watching this.
— Ricky Dillon (@RickyPDillon) April 13, 2017
i can't stop watching 13 reasons why….
— Nate Garner (@natekgarner) April 13, 2017
been binge watching 13 reasons why on Netflix, and it has such a beautiful and heartfelt message, it's crazy to see what people go through❤️
— Hunter Rowland (@HunterRowland) April 13, 2017
Do yourself a favour, watch it…