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09th May 2017

WATCH: LCD Soundsystem played their brand new songs on Saturday Night Live and brought the house down

James Murphy and Co didn't disappoint

Conor Heneghan

Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Last week, James Murphy thrilled LCD Soundsystem fans around the world with the release of two news songs from the band’s forthcoming album and an announcement that both of those tracks would be performed on Saturday Night Live.

Given the band’s massive following and the fact that they hadn’t released any new music in yonks following their disbandment in 2011 (apart from a Christmas single in 2015), it was news that created much excitement and anticipation amongst music fans.

And, as you might expect, Murphy and company didn’t disappoint, with impressive deliveries of ‘Call the Police’ (probably more like the LCD Soundsystem sound you might be used to) and a stripped back number titled ‘American Dream,’ highlighting Murphy’s vocal capabilities.

No official word yet on when the new album will officially arrive, but if these tracks are anything to go by, it’s going to be a good one…

Clips via Saturday Night Live