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28th May 2017

Amber Rudd to represent Tories in TV debate as Theresa May refuses to take part

Wil Jones

The televised debates are set for Wednesday evening.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd will take part in the BBC televised general election debate on behalf of the Conservatives, following Prime Minister Theresa May’s refusal to take part.

It is still not confirmed who will represent Labour, as leader Jeremy Corbyn said he would only participate is Theresa May did. Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, Green co-leader Caroline Lucas, Scottish National party’s deputy leader, Angus Robertson and Ukip’s Paul Nuttall are all confirmed to take part.

The debates take place this Wednesday, May 31st, in Cambridge between 7.30pm and 9pm, and will be moderated by Mishal Husain. Each panellist will give opening remarks, and then answer questions from the audience. The order of opening statements were determined by drawing lots, along with which podium each participant will stand at.