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29th Aug 2015

FIFA to address dispute between Jose Mourinho and Eva Carneiro

Tom Victor

If you thought this was over, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Jose Mourinho’s long-running dispute with Chelsea club doctor Eva Carneiro is going right to the top, with FIFA’s medical committee considering adding the matter to the agenda for its next meeting.

The dispute between the Blues boss and his staff dates back to the opening game of the season against Swansea, but it shows no signs of going away.

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Michel D’Hooghe, chairman of FIFA’s medical committee, wants to address a matter which he admits is present “everywhere in the world”, not just in the Premier League.

“This is once again an example of the difficult situation of the team doctor and I want to discuss this with my colleagues and to see if we need to give a declaration from the medical side to help team doctors,” he said.

H/T Sky Sports