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01st Sep 2015

This is the reaction in France to Manchester United’s astonishing £36m deal for teenager

What's the French for 'bonkers'?

Ben Kenyon

It’s fair to say everyone in the football world was a little surprised at Manchester United’s £36m deal for Anthony Martial…a deal which could rise to £58m.

The lad’s only 19 for starters – not to mention the fact he only scored 11 goals for Ligue 1 Monaco in 52 games. Everyone is baffled.

But it seems none are more surprised than football fans in France. The French media has the transfer splashed all over their front pages.

However, L’Equipe’s headline really says it all ‘plus cher que Zidane’, which to anyone that doesn’t speak French means ‘more expensive than Zidane’.

Just reflect on that for a moment. A lad barely out of school could end up costing more than one of France’s greatest ever players who, in his prime, was sold by Juventus to Real Madrid for £46m. Madness.

Just imagine what Zidane would be worth in 2015.