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22nd Aug 2017

Please, enjoy this angry Scotsman swearing at a road-blocking sheep on a country road

"F*ckin' move, ya fat dick!"

Rich Cooper

No one likes getting slowed down when they’re trying to get somewhere.

Commuters know that, when you’re on your journey to and from work, every second counts. The precious moments you waste stuck behind someone dawdling down the platform could cost you the next train home, and could leave you waiting ages for the next one.

On a busy Saturday in town, nothing is more irritating than trying to get through a crowd of people determined to move at the speed of a glacier. Being upstanding members of society, we never let our rage show, at worst uttering a “Hmph” as you finally pass them.

But when you’re stuck behind a sheep on a narrow country road in rural Scotland, it’s a different matter. The sheep won’t get offended. It doesn’t know you’re red hot with fury as it wanders back and forth across the road, not letting you past.

You might not choose to shout every expletive under the sun at the wooly bastard, but that’s what this Scot did, and it’s honestly quite an experience.

There’s something about swearing in a Scottish accent that makes it all the more visceral. Swearing just sounds better when you swear in a broad Scots accent. It’s the way swearing was meant to sound, and though the sheep can’t understand the words coming out of this angry Scot’s mouth, it probably got the idea.

That idea being: move!

