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07th Sep 2015

Beyonce uses Ronda Rousey’s ‘Do Nothing B*tch’ quote in live set (Video)



They’re both dominant women in their respective arenas, and now Beyonce has paid tribute to Ronda Rousey by introducing a song with the fighter’s ‘Do Nothing B*tch’ mantra.

Back in July, Rousey was responding to claims that her body was in some way ‘too masculine’, when she said:

“Just because my body was developed for a purpose other than f**king millionaires doesn’t mean it’s masculine. I think it’s femininely badass as f**k.

“Because there’s not a single muscle on my body that isn’t for a purpose. Because I’m not a ‘Do-Nothing Bitch’.”

Since then, #DNB has become something of a slogan for Rousey and many others, even resulting a limited edition shirt from the UFC champion.

Beyonce is evidently a fan, and surprised the audience at Budweiser’s Made In America Festival by playing the quote in full – F-bombs and all.

Watch the singer come out to Rousey’s words before launching into a rendition of ‘Diva’…