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08th Sep 2015

The Rock turned real-life action hero to save his new French bulldog puppy from drowning

He's so Hollywood...

Ben Kenyon

If there’s one guy you want in a crisis, it’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

When the sh*t hit’s the fan, he’s your man. Whether the world is ending, there’s a maniac on the loose or you just can’t get the lid off the jar of pickles, he’s the go-to guy.

His all-action, arse-kicking heroics aren’t just reserved for big screen blockbusters like San Andreas. The WWE wrestler had just made two new additions to the family – a pair of French bulldog puppies named Brutus and Hobbs.

While trying to potty train the two pups, they sprinted off and dived straight into the pool – but while Hobbs managed to swim, Brutus ‘sank like a brick’.

Luckily their owner is none-other than world famous action hero Dwayne Johnson, otherwise they have been bang in trouble.

The Rock dived in and rescued the drowning Frenchie – ruining his mobile phones in the process.

Fortunately he must have a spare to take this Instagram photo of the rescue aftermath…


The Rock