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12th Nov 2017

This company is offering a lifetime’s supply of alcohol for just £1,000 – but with one big catch

Only certain people are eligible.

Wil Jones

There’s a catch: the offer is valid for single people only.

The average price of a pint of lager in the UK is a whopping £3.58. What if you could cover all your future alcohol spending in one lump sum?

That’s what Chinese online Alibaba retailer is offering. As reported by The Guardian, the first 33 lucky customers to take up the very limited deal will get 12 bottles of baijiu (rice wine) every month for the rest of their mortal existence, for just 11,111 yuan (£1,275). And should the unthinkable happen, and you die less than five years after making the purchase, you can even bequeath the subscription to a family member.

But there’s a catch.

Ok, there’s several catches. It’s rice wine and you probably have to be in China. But there’s one big condition you have to meet in order to be eligible.

The offer is only available to single people.

It’s part of Alibaba’s Singles Day event, a massive shopping holiday that happens every November 11, celebrating being unattached.

Because that’s what single people want, right? Unlimited alcohol so they can just sit and drink alone.

