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14th Sep 2015

Liverpool fan attempts to crowdfund Brendan Rodgers sacking


Tom Victor

We all enjoy a bit of crowdfunding-based banter from football fans.

While Macclesfield Town’s attempts to crowdfund a bid for Raheem Sterling fell short, this latest effort from Liverpool fan Michael Gavin may gain more traction.

Gavin has attempted to raise the £7m or so required to sack Reds manager Brendan Rodgers via that most 21st-century of avenues – a GoFundMe page.


Taking aim at the Ulsterman’s ‘horrific signings’ and ‘tired cliches’, Gavin leaves no stone unturned in an effort to recruit more fans for his cause.

We’re not entirely sure how he arrived at the €10m (£7.3m) figure, but perhaps he used the same valuation process that convinced Rodgers to part with £20m for Dejan Lovren.

He still needs a bit of support, though.