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29th Dec 2017

Dad shows off exactly why you shouldn’t use a hoverboard indoors

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

Alan Loughnane

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…

The craze of the hoverboards is nothing new, they were in every second gift basket a couple of years ago and they continue to be a popular gift in many countries.

The mini scooters are banned from streets in the UK, with police warning prospective hoverboard owners not to ride their scooters on the pavements or the roads.

But they’re still a popular gift in Ireland. Not that that makes them any less dangerous, as Aidan Myles from Swords found out recently.

Aidan was fooling around on the hoverboard his niece Kelly received for Christmas, and he seemed to have everything under control.

He looked like he knew exactly what he was doing… right up until the moment it went horribly wrong.

The poor oven door bore the brunt of the damage but thankfully the only thing hurt was Aidan’s pride.