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17th Jan 2018

Jeremy Kyle guest’s ‘Ed Sheeran lookalike’ ex and fiance leave viewers in hysterics

James Dawson

Another day, another episode of Jeremy Kyle.

Last week we reported the presenter fell over and ‘broke his wrist’, but the good news is he now seems fine.

Today he welcomed Liz onto the show, who was there to discuss her ex and the father of her child, Owen.

Judging by what she had to say about him, Owen is a pretty awful human being. She accused him of domestic violence and doing drugs around their little boy.

Aside from that, he also looks the spitting image of Ed Sheeran.

As the story unfolded, it turned out that she abandoned Owen and her young son to go to Wales. There she met a new man.

Jeremy wasn’t happy as she’d left her child with her ‘abusive, druggie’ ex.

The presenter shouted at her: “I don’t buy a word you say.

“I’ve just spent five minutes trying to keep my mouth shut.

“Any woman in this country who has to run for their damn lives…if he’s so appalling, what the hell are you doing leaving your son with him for 14 months?

“It was easy for you, you leave the kids, now you’re sorted with your new lover, you think it’s OK to call him any name under the sun.

“Why would you leave the kid with him in a dangerous position?”

But viewers were in a shock when Liz’s new fiance stepped out on stage.

He looked exactly like her former man Owen (and also a doppelganger of everyone’s favourite ginger singer-songwriter).

Viewers were quick to point out the resemblance.

And there was also some good news as a result of their appearance, as Liz now intends to make regular contact with her son.