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18th Sep 2015

Wenger gets annoyed when asked if he’ll shake Mourinho’s hand (Video)



Arsenal play Chelsea on Saturday lunchtime, but Arsene Wenger didn’t appreciate being pestered about a handshake.

The Frenchman was keen to talk about football during his press conference ahead of the game, but kept getting asked about Jose Mourinho and whether the pair would be locking hands.

A lot was made of the fact that the pair did not shake hands after their Community Shield encounter, and the fact that Jose has been baiting him at every opportunity.

Wenger was polite at first, saying that people come to watch football and nothing else, but as he continued to be pushed on whether he would be formally greeting his opposite number, he refused to answer.

It may be a sideshow, but the tensions between Arsene and Jose will make the touchline a fascinating spectacle on Saturday…