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20th Sep 2015

Not everyone loves the latest Netflix big hit

Simon Lloyd

Narcos, the critically acclaimed new series that tells the tale of the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, has won plenty of fans in its short time on Netflix.

But it seems that the drama hasn’t been received all that well in Colombia, the country that Escobar called home.

According to The Guardian, Colombians have been left bemused at many of the accents used by the actors (much of the drama’s dialogue is in Spanish with subtitles). They’ve also been left unimpressed by its portrayal of the country’s recent history.

The man that plays Escobar is Brazilian, Warner Moura. Despite landing the main role, much of his Spanish is spoken with a thick Brazilian accent.

It’s also thought Colombians are also fed up at the fact another TV series revisits the country’s relatively recent bloody past.

To our untrained ears, a few inaccuracies with Spanish accents might not be an issue, but it’s easy to see why the people of Colombia aren’t happy at the series delving into some painful memories.

