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22nd Mar 2018

Donald Trump claims he could beat up Joe Biden, obviously

He thinks he would "go down fast and hard, crying all the way." Ok, Donald. Sure.

Rudi Kinsella

He tweeted it out, like only real men do.

President Donald Trump has said that he could beat up former Vice-President Joe Biden in a fight, in a tweet posted on Thursday morning. The tweet accuses Biden of being “weak both mentally and physically” and claims that if they ever got into a physical altercation, Biden would “go down fast and hard, crying all the way”.

The claim comes following speculation that Biden may run for President in 2020, after he was asked if he would like to debate Trump. Biden said, “No. If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him”. Fighting talk indeed.

Biden is of Irish descent and played football for his high school when he was younger, so our money would probably be on him, especially given Trump’s history…

I mean, look at him, none of those punches are even landing.

But all jokes aside, we would probably prefer that these two men in their 70s stopped behaving like teenagers and didn’t have a physical fight.

But the way things are going in America, we wouldn’t exactly be surprised.