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11th Apr 2018

QUIZ: JOE’s Alphabet Quiz – Week 8: The Letter ‘H’

Knowledge is power, especially the extremely specific knowledge contained exclusively in this quiz.

Kyle Picknell

Knowledge is power, especially the extremely specific knowledge contained exclusively in this quiz.

So here I am, back once again, and with me I’m bringing  a brand new Alphabet Quiz hot and reasonably fresh out the kitchen. This week is ‘H’ and I have questions for you on some of the greatest artists to ever live: Alfred Hitchcock, Thierry Henry and H from Steps.

Do you know anything about H from Steps? No? Well me neither, but I am allowed to use Wikipedia. That’s how this works.

As always it is a tough one this week. Try your best and if you get a terrible score just remember the immortal words of Homer Simpson: “The lesson is, never try”.

If you do manage to get more than 15 you get a prize. What’s the prize? Well I’m glad you asked. It’s another quiz next week. You’re welcome.

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Alphabet Quiz - H I got %%score%% of %%total%% right
