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04th Oct 2015

This stat shows just how astonishingly bad Liverpool’s away form has been under Brendan Rodgers

Absolutely woeful...


Poor Brendan.

The pressure is building and building on Brendan Rodgers and a defeat at Goodison could spell the end for the Liverpool manager.

Things haven’t been going well for Rodgers, and comments such as the one made in the wake of the midweek draw with Sion that this season is one for “rebuilding” haven’t helped his standing with Liverpool fans.

But away from his comments it’s stats like these that are the most damning indictment of Rodgers’ reign.


Into his fourth season in charge and Rodgers has won just one league game away from home against the top four and Everton.

And even that one victory – a 3-0 win at Old Trafford in March 2014 – had the mitigating factor of being against David Moyes’ Manchester United.

Almost as damning is the stat that Liverpool have conceded nearly two goals per game in those 17 matches against their most direct rivals.

It’s that soft underbelly that has been at the heart of Rodgers’ problems during his tenure.
