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06th Aug 2018

Wetherspoons are now selling Halloumi fries for £3


The Halloumi-nati are secretly taking over the world

When did Halloumi explode in the UK? It’s hard to say. One day, it was this vaguely exotic Mediterranean thing that you only got in interesting restaurants, next thing it is everywhere. It is almost as common as burgers at barbecues, and even non-vegetarians order it over chicken at Nandos.

Anyway, musing over. Let’s get to the matter at hand. Wetherspoons – everyone’s favourite affordable pub chain – are now doing Halloumi fires. This is not a drill.

They come with sweet chilli sauce to dip them in, and er, fresh rocket – but you’re not really going to care about lettuce when you’ve got Halloumi fries, are you?

And because this is Spoons, they are cheap – just £3.10, to be precise. Bargain.

So yes, go to your nearest branch of this popular chain public house, and make it rain Halloumi fries.