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19th Aug 2018

The next Sharknado film contains a T-Rex fighting a shark

Paul Moore

Greatest. Film. Ever.

Fans of The Meg may have wanted to see more of Jason Statham punching that stupid shark right in his stupid face, but fear not because we’re always on the lookout for even more ridiculous hokum that’s so batshit bonkers that it’s bound to win an Oscar.

Yep, Sharknado > Citizen Kane. That’s a fact, right?

2019 is going to see Crawl – a film about a woman that’s trapped in a flooding house and must fight for her life against alligators – and 47 Meters Down – generic film with sharks where they hopefully eat peoples face’s off – but there are a few ingredients that are missing from both of these.

Time travel. Dinosaurs. Tornados. Sharks participating in the American War of Independence. Tara Reid. Shite special effects. Dragons.

Now we’re talking!

The Sharknado series will have its final hurrah with the release of The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time on  SyFy and they’re going all out.

Oh yes, they’re going back in time to stop Sharknados from the past. Apparently, this will involve our heroes seeing dinosaurs, participating in the Revolutionary War when sharks attack the US (awesome), medieval times when dragons and sharks mixed (even more awesome), and they’ll also venture into the future to fight robot sharks (everything is awesome).

As for the plot, well, who gives a shit?!??

Dear Hollywood, now that the Sharknado films ending, here are some other ideas that we would like see turned into films; Angry monkeys in a tornado, T-Rex vs Zombies, Piranhas in a swimming pool and the dream project…Jurassic Meg vs Pacific Kong: Godzilla’s Revenge on Cthulhu.

Basically, in the immortal words of Frank Reynolds from Always Sunny: “Well, I don’t know how many years on this Earth I got left. I’m gonna get real weird with it.”

Let. It. Happen.

Clip via – ONE Media