Some odd choices in this list.

Americans are more afraid of identity theft than gun control and fear Obamacare over a nuclear attack.

These are just some of the findings from California’s Chapman University’s Survey of American Fears.

According to The Independentthe survey presented 1,500 Americans with a list of 88 common fears and asked the volunteers if they found them scary or not.

Considering the amount of mass shootings in the US this year, along with the regular security threats on the country, some of the results may raise an eyebrow or two.

Here is a list of the top 15, with the percentage figures indicating the level of fear. The full list can be found here.

Corruption (of government officials) – 58%

Cyber-terrorism – 44.8 %

Corporate tracking of personal data – 44.6%

Terrorist attack – 44.4%

Government tracking of personal data – 41.4%

Bio-warfare – 40.9%

Identity theft – 39.6%

Economic collapse – 39.2%

Running out of money – 37.4%

Credit card fraud – 36.9%

Gun control – 36.5%

War – 35.8%

Obamacare – 35.7%

Illness – 34.4%

Pandemic – 34.3%

Dr Christopher Bader, who headed the study, explained the results:

“The 2015 survey data shows us the top fears are heavily based in economic and ‘big brother’ type issues.

“People often fear what they cannot control, and technology and the future of our economy are two aspects of life that Americans find very unpredictable at the moment.”