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12th Sep 2018

Protesters show up at Jacob Rees-Mogg’s house and berate him about Brexit


The Brexiteer has been subject to abuse in front of his children

Jacob Rees-Mogg was subject to abuse whilst leaving his family home alongside his children on Tuesday.

Protesters greeted the backbench Tory politician with a banner that read: “We must devastate the avenues where the wealthy live.”

As well as that, people in the crowd reportedly shouted at his children: “Your daddy’s a totally horrible person, lots of people don’t like your daddy, do you know that?”, as well as calling him “a latin-eating toff” and questioning his treatment of the family’s nanny, Victoria Crook.

The group protesting are known as Class War, an organisation claiming to be a “working class action group”.

Footage of the incident shows police standing guard as a small group of demonstrators confronting the Conservative politician on several issues whilst his wife and four of his six children were there.

The protester also asked Rees-Mogg if he gives the nanny any time off, his wife replied “every weekend”.

Watch the incident here: