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25th Sep 2018

Keir Starmer adamant ‘Remain’ could be an option on a Labour-backed second referendum

And the crowd goes wild

Oli Dugmore

And the crowd goes wild

Labour’s Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer received a yell of support at conference after insisting ‘Remain’ could be an option on a second referendum backed by the party.

Starmer said all options should be kept on the table in order to “stop a destructive Tory Brexit.”

The shadow Brexit secretary said Labour MPs were “likely” to vote down any plan for exiting the EU put to parliament by Theresa May because it would not pass the six tests set by Labour for a deal with Brussels.

It is Labour’s aim to force a general election on the issue but, failing that, the party could back a so-called People’s Vote, or second referendum.

On Monday the party’s position was somewhat confused, as shadow chancellor of the exchequer John McDonnell toured TV and radio interviews, emphasising a Labour-backed second vote would only be on the terms of Brexit – not Remain or Leave.

In his speech to the conference later that day he back-pedalled, saying all options were being considered.

Keir Starmer reinforced that position today.

Starmer said: “If a general election is not possible then other options must be kept open. That includes campaigning for a public vote,” he said.

“It is right for Parliament to have the first say but if we need to break the impasse, our options must include campaigning for a public vote and nobody is ruling out Remain as an option.”

“Some have said Labour could vote for any deal the Tories reach. Some have said we may abstain. Some have said we may vote for a vague deal.

“So, let me be very clear – right here, right now: if Theresa May brings back a deal that does not meet our tests – and that looks increasingly likely – Labour will vote against it. No ifs, no buts.

“And if the prime minister thinks we’ll  back a vague deal asking us to leap blindfolded into the unknown, we will vote that down.”