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11th Oct 2018

Peter Crouch confirms Rory Delap’s throw-ins reduced Heurelho Gomes to tears

Wayne Farry

We don’t blame Heurelho Gomes, not one bit

There are some daunting prospects in life. Sitting a top the ramp as you prepare to embark on your first Evel Knievel-style record-breaking school bus jump, looking down at the earth as you prepare to jump off the Red Bull-sponsored helium balloon floating in the stratosphere and of course, fighting a beer.

As bad as all of these are, they no doubt pale in comparison to facing a long throw-in when you’re in goal. When you think of long throw-ins there is probably – and should be – only one person on your mind.

That person should be Rory Delap, a man that we now know has officially reduced people to tears with the mere threat of his Inspector Gadget style, arms like several traction engine throw-ins.

If you were lucky enough to be lucid during Delap’s career, you’ll know what it was like. For those of you too young to remember, it was essentially the Ronaldo and Messi era but with throw-ins and nothing else.

We all knew that these throw-ins were difficult for goalkeepers, but we didn’t know exactly how difficult they were, until now.

That is because Peter Crouch has discussed the topic on his podcast, That Peter Crouch Podcast, and particularly the topic of how goalkeepers, including Gomes, dealt with the throw-ins.

“I watched people panic and give away corners instead of throw-ins due to the sheer panic and confusion that it caused,” said Crouch on That Peter Crouch Podcast.

“I remember Heurelho Gomes believe it or not, we were launching in these missiles, there was myself, loads of people coming, piling into the box and I actually remember Gomes taking the knee and throwing the ball out and a tear in his eye.

“He just couldn’t handle this aerial bombardment that was going on. He was in a state of turmoil.

“Genuinely he was very upset. He was very upset, physically distressed by the amount of aerial bombardment coming in.”

Well, there you have it. Do you know any goalkeepers who have been left hurt by Rory Delap’s throw-ins? If so, please let us know.