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16th Oct 2018

It’s official: Big Sam confirms Sergio Busquets is no better than Eric Dier

Wayne Farry

Finally, we can all stop pretending otherwise

Big Sam Allardyce, former manager of Blackburn, Bolton, Newcastle, West Ham, Sunderland, Everton etc. etc. – and the man who would no doubt be the manager of Real Madrid or Barcelona were he named a touch more exotically – has finally said it.

We’ve all been thinking it, tip-toeing around the subject, too afraid to even think about it in polite company for fear that the PC brigade might bully us into submission, but no more.

Because now, the great patriot Big Sam has officially confirmed that Sergio Busquets – the winner of a World Cup, European Championship, and multiple Champions Leagues – is “no better” than England’s Eric Dier.

Big Sam uttered these words – which from now on are gospel – while discussing England’s 3-2 victory over the Spanish in Betis on Monday evening in the Monday with a certain Mr. Alan Brazil on talkSPORT .

“The praise about Busquets must be stopped, it was never evident last night, he looked out of sorts,” Big Sam said.

“He’s no better or worse then Eric Dier, for me.

“Busquets is a sitting midfield player who breaks up play, intercepts, passes it very quickly and is intelligent. That’s what he is. He’s not much more than that, but he gets a lot of praise for it.

“Whereas Eric Dier does a similar job, but sometimes gets loads of criticism for it.

“Busquets has been a great player for Spain and Barcelona, don’t get me wrong. He’s a very effective player and is the first pick for every manager because he plays such a simple game.

“But we laud him as a genius, whereas our own we don’t, we criticise.

“Eric Dier was far better than Busquets last night.”

So there you have it. All hail Eric Dier, king of the central midfielders.