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19th Oct 2018

Peter Hitchens vs Lord Adonis: People’s Vote Brexit debate

Debate me baby one more time

Oli Dugmore

It’s time for two of the biggest names on either side of the People’s Vote debate to have it out

Peter Hitchens and Lord Andrew Adonis join JOE Politics for a special debate. The pair have exchanged angry sentences on Twitter and so we thought it would be a good idea to sit them next to each other and film the outcome.

They’ve been arguing about a second Brexit referendum, or third depending on your memory/age. Britain first voted to be a part of the then European Economic Community in 1975. 41 years later Brexit happened. How then can you justify another referendum so soon after 2016? What are the consequences of unpicking the legitimacy of British political results? How does the constitutional power of the electorate in general elections and referendums relate?

All are questions addressed in this discussion and, in the end, Andrew Adonis and Peter Hitchens find some common ground. Even if it is mutual contempt for David Cameron.