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15th Nov 2018

If you needed a more perfect metaphor for Theresa May’s draft Brexit agreement, look no further than this BBC sign language interpretation

We're fucked, aren't we

Oli Dugmore

We’re fucked, aren’t we

Theresa May presented a draft agreement for the UK’s departure from the EU on Wednesday. What followed was a mammoth five-hour long cabinet session where, apparently, consensus was reached. Then on Thursday a waterfall of resignation letters poured onto the Prime Minister’s desk.

If you’re a Tory, it’s a cluster fuck. Also a cluster fuck for Leavers. And Remainers? You get it.

So, Rehman Cheshti, Suella Braverman, Esther McVey, Dominc Raab and Shailesh Vara have all resigned.

A leadership contest is imminent, especially after the influential Jacob Rees-Mogg submitted a letter of no confidence to 1922 Committee chairman Graham Brady.

Conservative party junior vice chairman Rehman Chishti resigned his post this afternoon, continuing an avalanche of departures in Theresa May’s top team.

He is the fifth significant politician to hand in their notice today (Thursday.)  Suella Braverman, work and pensions secretary Esther McVey, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Northern Ireland minister Shailesh Vara all left this morning. The list of Conservative resignations continues.

The latest departure said he was disappointed with the “lack of leadership” shown by Theresa May.

How would one convey this information in sign language? Like this:

“Perplexing fuckery” is quite a neat little phrase too. Anyway, I’m bored of Brexit. I’m going for a Twix.