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06th Jan 2019

Sky Italy list “madness” as 10% of Aaron Ramsey’s characteristics

Wayne Farry

Aaron Ramsey is a man in demand

Since signalling his intention to not extend his contract at Arsenal, Welsh midfielder Aaron Ramsey has been linked with a host of Europe’s biggest and best clubs.

Paris Saint-Germain, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid and Juventus are just some of the clubs linked with the former Cardiff man, who has been a central figure during what has been a successful if injury-affected decade at the Emirates stadium.

The strongest rumours appear to suggest that Ramsey may well end up with the Serie A champions, and Sky Italy is clearly taking the speculation seriously, if their analysis of the Welshman’s game is anything to go by.

In a recent broadcast, a screenshot of which was posted on Reddit by a user named Alessio_Romagnoli13, showed the different aspects of Ramsey’s game which make up his full characteristics.

Using a fairly familiar percentile system, Sky Italy assigned 40 percent of Ramsey’s qualities to technique, while 30 percent was awarded to coordination, which sounds like the ability to control both feet but probably means something more detailed.

20 percent was assigned to something fantasy, which again we will assume is used to describe his skill and ability to make something out of nothing.

aaron ramsey

As weird as this was, the strangest of all was what they gave the final 10 percent to: madness.

Yes, madness. We don’t really get this to be honest. If Ramsey was a Lee Cattermole type figure we would totally understand them allotting perhaps 40 percent of his character to that, but Ramsey is not a hot head.

We’d like to think there is something lost in translation but the word used, “follia” translates to madness, or at best, folly or foolishness.

As weird as it sounds, we quite like it, and hope to soon see Sky Sports News use terms such as “peculiarity”, “superstition” and “skittishness” to describe footballers very soon.