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07th Feb 2019

The Simpsons has been renewed for 2 more seasons because nothing is sacred

Olivia Hayes

“Stop, stop, it’s already dead”

The Simpsons have been around for a very long time now, and while some people still watch every episode without fail, others recognise that it is simply not the same show it used to be. Same characters? Yes. Same quality of humour? No.

Despite this, the show remains the highest-rated on FOX with an average of 1.6 million live and same day viewers and as is often the case with television, the value is in the numbers rather than the quality.

On Wednesday, the show’s Twitter account shared the news that it had been renewed for a further two seasons, ironically with a quote that appeared as if it had been written by someone who has only vaguely heard of the show.

“We’ve got some eeeeeexcellllent news… #TheSimpsons has been renewed for Seasons 31 and 32!” it said.

Unsurprisingly, the replies to this news were mostly negative.

It’s hard to know what to think about this news. The Simpsons is an institution and it will be sad when it ends, but thankfully none of us will ever have to feel that sadness because it will outlive us all.