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11th Oct 2019

THE JOE Friday Pub Quiz: Week 160

Kyle Picknell

Rich Cooper’s pub quizzes have passed away. RIP u will live on forever. Cant believe it. I wanna run to u. Really cant believe this. @

So then. A new dawn for the JOE Friday Pub Quiz. Will it be better? Impossible to say. Will it be worse? Highly likely. I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’m not going to get your hopes up.

Myself and Reuben Pinder will be taking on Pub Quiz duties now but please DO NOT let that stop you from complaining directly to Rich Cooper if you spot a mistake or are unhappy about something. He will continue wanting to hear your every thought so make sure to keep barraging him. Let’s not let him go gentle into that good night just yet*.

159 motherfucking pub quizzes though. Jeez. That’s some knock. I can only pray I get fired long before I have to complete that many. Anyway, here’s a quiz for you.


*should probably just make clear that he isn’t dying or anything. As far as I’m aware. Also he probably doesn’t actually want to hear from any of you but it will be personally amusing to me so… yeah. Knock yourselves out.


Pub Quiz