I went for two walks yesterday
Two separate, almost identical walks. Purely out of boredom, and a strange sense of obligation to make the most of my day off and the beaming sunshine, despite the arctic conditions.
It’s boring though, isn’t it, walking? Not hiking. Hiking can be fun, with beautiful scenery and real exercise that makes you feel like you’ve earned a pint. But doing the same 20 minute loop round an urban park, unable to escape the noise of the traffic, listening to your silly little podcasts, whose purpose now is more to simulate socialisation than to entertain or inform, is not the same.
What’s next? Am I going to have to start running, just to feel something? I don’t run. I am not a runner, despite my frame. I don’t know. Nobody knows. Anyway, happy Friday and enjoy the quiz, I suppose.
(Careful of the answer order in the geography round, they shuffle automatically. I will not be held responsible for you getting trigger happy and clicking the wrong answer by mistake.)