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20th Apr 2021

Jose Mourinho had the best reaction to being sacked by Tottenham

Danny Jones

Never change, Jose, never change

Fresh from being sacked by Spurs yesterday, Jose Mourinho was spotted emptying the boot of his car, seemingly, filled with personal effects from his office – including several canvases of him on his famous European nights. Canvases that we’re sure were totally coincidental and not by any means carefully selected, right, Jose?

Being approached by Sky News as he arrived to his London home, his first response was a humourous one: “Nice picture, eh?” Grinning all the way through, he plays things coy as ever, simply repeating, “You know me, you know I’m not going to say anything”. Whilst that’s half true, he delivers a few sly soundbites:

As the reporter asks whether we’ll see him soon after “a bit of holiday, bit of a break […] to recharge the batteries”, Jose simply says, “no need”. Unrelenting as he nears his door, the reporter asks one last time – “back in football as soon as possible?” – to which Jose finishes with a famous and familiar flourish: “I’m always in football”.

Priceless. That’s how you leave a job in style, we’ll give him that.

No doubt, as the swarming media tried to garner in the precious few seconds he gave them, we’ll see the legendary manager back in business in no time. He’s right, in fairness: he’s never out of a job for long.

It is estimated that it costs Tottenham approximately £15 million to sever Jose’s contract. Question is, did he lose this latest one for being one of the few that were willing to speak out against them and the Super League plans? If so, good on you, Jose.