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20th May 2021

Over a quarter of Brits think milk first makes the best cuppa

Danny Jones

Milk first is widely considered a cardinal sin. Turns out 27% of you are going to hell

Today is World Tea Day: the day when we celebrate the most beautiful beverage besides the almighty beer. However, in a shocking turn of events, apparently, a quarter of Brits think that milk first makes for the best brew—and now we’re off to question the meaning of life full stop, thanks for reading!

No, but seriously, that’s the word from according to research from INTU Boiling Water Taps reveals. Our very own Charlie Herbert actually reported on this subject recently, as Professor Alan Mackie from the School of Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds University said that in hard-water areas, putting milk in your tea first makes for better flavour.

It’s a phrase that sends literal shivers down the spines of many and, to be honest, you only need to look at the colour of his poor excuse for a cuppa to know ‘ol Mackie shouldn’t be trusted with a kettle. Shame on you, Alan.

Scientist says milk first in tea is better in hard water areas

Moreover, it seems like plenty Brits can’t be trusted either, as further findings from the tap company’s study surrounding long-held – ‘milk first or water?’ – have revealed that 27% of you actually prefer to put milk in first, science or not.

As it always does, Mackie’s research sparked yet more nationwide conversation with over six million mentions of the subject on social media alone, with Piers Morgan also revealing that he is a milk-first man. That’s the kind of company you’re keeping people, think on.

While we take some solace in the fact that 47% of those surveyed prefer hot water first, that’s still less than half, with the remaining 26%. This is the great British debate, you fence-sitting cowards, choose your fighter!

INTU’s Managing Director, Kieran Taylor-Bradshaw, said that while “[w]e understand that brewing up is a serious business for so many people in the UK […] we have been genuinely surprised to discover that as many as one in four tea drinkers favour the milk-first approach”.

Though we thought we may have an ally in Keiran, he quickly retreated from his potentially powerful position and qualified, “we’re not here to take sides: INTU are dedicated to ensuring that Brits get instant filtered hot water for the perfect cup of tea, whether you put milk in first or last”. People pleaser.

Builder enjoying his brew

We’re just joking of course, the work done by INTU, Leeds Uni and Professor Mackie’s, personally, was intended to help improve the plight of more than 60% of Britons whose brews are blighted by hard water. There are enough problems in everyday life for you to have to worry about the taste of your tea as well. Our hearts go out to you.

To reiterate the science behind it for those to whom it applies, the good professor explained how milk first works for some:

“Flavour, by and large, is produced by the different compounds in tea including tannins in particular. The more minerals present in water the more difficult it is for these compounds to develop the flavour – resulting in the dull taste you get in hard water areas.

Making tea the traditional way – by steeping a bag in hot water before removing it and adding milk – results in the tannins turning into solids before they can develop flavour properly.

He ultimately went on to drop the bombshell that “if the milk is added at the start of the steeping process then its proteins can bind to the tannins and other minerals in the water – preventing them from turning solid – which in turn gives you a far superior flavour.” Fair enough, fella, you clearly know what you’re talking about more than we do

But don’t let that make you think you get off scot-free, people! This method is only relevant to those who live in hard water areas, remember, and even that can be measured to varying degrees. We’re still never going to be able to, in good conscience, watch someone butcher a brew by pouring in the milk first, it just doesn’t look right!

We don’t want to have to ask this but get involved with #WorldTeaDay and let us know what you think makes the best cuppa: we’re talking brand of tea bag, the time it takes to brew, accompanying biscuits – the lot!