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23rd May 2021

Maneskin fans find ‘proof’ that Eurovision winner didn’t use cocaine during show

Charlie Herbert

Many have been quick to leap to the defence of the Italian rockers after the suspicious-looking footage went viral

Fans of Eurovision winners Maneskin have defended the band after they faced accusations of drug taking during the live show on Saturday night.

Footage from the show went viral on Twitter as many said that it looked like band member Damiano David was using cocaine whilst sat at the Italian table with his band mates.

Damiano has been forced to strenuously deny the claims, saying that he was in fact bending over because the band’s guitarist, Raggi, had broken glass.

Many of the band’s fans have now taken to Twitter to prove Damiano’s innocence. Ignoring the fact that it would be such a moronic thing to do at an event that is probably the biggest of Damiano’s life and has hundreds of cameras present with hundreds of millions watching at home, it does also seem that it logistically does not add up.

One Twitter user pointed out that, in the footage, the table is much lower than Damiano’s head when he bends over.

They also pointed out, along with others, that there had in fact been a broken glass just like the Italian band member had claimed.

No sooner had Maneskin won the Eurovision title for Italy than the lead singer was being asked about the allegations of drug taking at the press conference afterwards.

The band have even had to release a message on their Instagram rubbishing the claims.

Nevertheless, nothing can be taken away from how successful a night it was for Italy, as they absolutely stormed the public vote on the night to pip France to top spot.

It is the first time that Italy have won the contest since 1990, with Maneskin also becoming the first group to win the competition in 15 years.